The past couple of years have been frustrating for all of us for many reasons. They have had a constraining impact on the Oklahoma Ornithological Society (OOS). The organization has heard from several members expressing frustration and inquiring about the status of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society. The organization has heard you. The Board shares those same feelings with the organization’s current hiatus in fulfilling its functional obligations, particularly those of communicating with members through publications of the Newsletter and Bulletin.
Like many individuals and organizations, the global pandemic had a profound impact on the OOS. We understand that this is not unique to the OOS. Virtual meetings were a new challenge. A second major issue is that frankly, the OOS has not been able to fill key open positions on the Board. This has hampered the ability to perform some basic OOS functions such as the Newsletter communicating to membership.
You are receiving this letter because the organization has reached a critical point. We must have people like you, who love Oklahoma birds and birding, step up and help OOS get on track. We need volunteers. The OOS has a long history of supporting Oklahoma ornithology, companionship and birding in the State. Some aspects of the OOS are still in motion, such as Bulletin issues in waiting for mailing, improvements to the OOS webpage (see, and the OBRC. Others need help.
The OOS Board is trying to get us back on track. An impromptu OOS spring meeting has been scheduled for April 9th, 2022, at Martin Park Nature Center in Oklahoma City. Birding is planned in the morning, followed afterward by a Society meeting. The meeting is planned to start at 10:30 AM. Key topics of the meeting will be addressing organization vacancies, more visibly promoting the purpose and assets of the OOS in tune with the times, and challenges going forward.
If you just want to bird, share a field experience, we’d love to have you do that. However, we are sincerely asking that you attend the meeting. The meeting is free to attend, please bring a lunch or make independent arrangements. More details will follow. If you are interested in participating in the OOS, here is your chance! WE HAVE TO HEAR FROM YOU!
Below is a list of current vacancies on the OOS Board. This is your chance to make a difference in an organization you care about! The organization would be grateful to have you assist us in our mission.
OOS Board Positions Currently Open:
· Vice President
· Secretary
· Treasurer
· Business Manager
· Scissortail Newsletter Editor
If you are curious about participating, please let us know:
Jeff Tibbits
Board of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society
From the Kilpatrick Turnpike, exit at MacArthur BLVD. Take south frontage road east to Martin Park Nature Center.
Martin Park Nature Center
5000 W Memorial Rd
Oklahoma City, OK 73142