The NEW 2022 Oklahoma Ornithological Society (OOS) Checklist of Oklahoma Birds (6th ed.) has been posted on the OOS website https://www.okbirds.org/official-checklist —current through May 2022. It touts 488 bird species. The Oklahoma Bird Records Committee (OBRC) of the OOS maintains this formal checklist of bird species documented in the State, a continuation of that initiated by George Sutton (1974), and continued in its first Date Guide (1986) and formally, as here, since 1997.
In addition to the State Checklist, check out the “DATE GUIDE to the Occurrences of birds in Oklahoma,” now in its 7th Edition (2019). It lists the species on the Checklist, and provides a handy guide to the expected dates of occurrence by region for those species of regular occurrence, some rare but regular, in Oklahoma. (Pamphlet size for the car).
The DATE GUIDE is available through the OOS web page for $7.00. https://www.okbirds.org/m
However, members in the OOS receive a copy of the Date Guide as a privilege of their membership in the OOS (a good deal for joining).
THE SCISSORTAIL, the Newsletter of the OOS, gives information on events, articles, and announcements of interest to birders in Oklahoma. It also presents seasonal reports of Noteworthy Bird Observations in the State.
Covid has put a damper of sorts on the OOS and its activities over the past few years. We are cranking back up and welcome new and renewed membership as the OOS moves forward. The OOS is the oldest organization of field ornithology in Oklahoma (since 1951). Support Oklahoma field ornithology, and enjoy the membership and comradery with others. Go to: https://www.okbirds.org/get_involved